If you could talk to God/Source/Universal Intelligence what would you ask? 

In this two part series, Monica sits down with her older sister, Isabella, who is a Spiritual Teacher, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Medium and Intuitive. In this episode, Isabella channels Source Energy and delivers beautiful messages about expansion of consciousness, purpose, manifestation, self-discovery, alignment, life after death and so much more.

Some of the topics discussed:

  • What happens after we die/receiving signs from past loved ones
  • Does every soul have a mission/how can you figure out what yours is
  • What is one thing we can change today if we are not feeling conscious or aligned with our truth
  • Best/quickest ways to manifest something into your life
  • Messages for the collective/what to expect in this new year

Guest Bio

Isabella is a spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, medium, and intuitive. Her mission is to help others wake up to their true power and divine heritage as limitless energy light beings connected to All.

Connect with Isabella:

IG: @Isabellasgame

Get 20% off if you book a reading(s) in the month of January with the code, CONFIDENCE20: www.isabellaconnects.com

Connect with Monica

IG: @confidence.counsel

Website: www.confidencecounsel.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@confidence.counsel

If you are interested in exploring 1:1 coaching with Monica, sign up for a complimentary clarity call below: https://confidencecounsel.com/contact/

Monica Podcast (Small)

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