YouCanHave It All.

For the High Achieving Professional Woman Who Wants to Enhance Her Life without sacrificing career success, her income or time with her family.

This is for my professional girlies (doctors, lawyers, corporate hustlers, women in tech, entrepreneurs, C-Suite executives) who have it all: a great career, a loving family, health. . . but who don’t feel like they can enjoy any of it because they feel burnt out, overwhelmed and overworked. 

This 5-week program is designed to help you break the patterns that got you into this  mess, ditch the Sunday scaries, find balance and help you fall in love with your life again. 

Monica Burkoth

Ready forAction

(5 week intensive)

Monica Burkoth staying in contact

 Don’t waste years of your precious and beautiful life being burnt out and unhappy.  Let me teach you what took me over a decade to learn in just 5 weeks so that you can start living the purposeful and fulfilling life that you deserve.  This 1:1 coaching program provides the structure, mentorship, and accountability that you need to go from burnt out to #blessed in just 5 weeks.

Feel authentically expressed in your work and life

Monica Burkoth reading books

Does this sound like you right now?

You feel like you’ve outgrown your day job, you feel stuck or like you're destined for more

You feel exhausted, overworked, overwhelmed and burnt out/ or on the verge of burnout by trying to juggle a big job and small children at home

You struggle with imposter syndrome and are ready to throw it all away, quit and/or take a pay cut to do something else

You feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to be a good employee or a good mother (Hello guilt!)

You want to be fully present in your life without stressing about work 24/7

You want to find a way to work less without blowing up all of your hard work or sacrificing your reputation

You are a busy gal who gets s*** done and you expect the same from a mentor. You want results, and you want them quickly.

What to

5 weeks of personalized, curated 1:1 one-hour Zoom calls per week

Learn how to make time for self-care and play without sacrificing your career or family

A customized roadmap and action plan that will help you create a sustainable work-life balance

Spiritual development that will increase your overall life satisfaction

Check-ins throughout the week via Voxer (You’ll be talking to me more than your bestie. Hello, accountability!)

A deep understanding and rewiring of the limiting beliefs, fears and doubts that have been keeping you stuck personally and professionally (So long perfectionism and people-pleasing!)

Become more confident and empowered to set boundaries at work and keep them! (“Sorry Roger, I have to skip the Friday afternoon meeting that should have been an email anyways.”)

Assistance with developing and implementing a time management system that will give you 5-10 hours of your life back, PER WEEK

Monica Burkoth working on laptop

Weekly email with curated resources, journal prompts, action steps, and focus areas to ensure no momentum is lost between sessions

Recommendations on all of my favorite things including books, podcasts and resources to help you accelerate your results


Pay in full for the entire program

$1,111 USD

5 weekly payments of

$225 USD

Monica helped me take HUGE steps towards creating my future business that otherwise may have taken me another half a year, or longer, to take! I finally got a lot of thoughts organized and steps created to help me move forward at a comfortable and confident pace. I am doing what feels natural, good, yet still reaching out into the unknown, but I feel prepared doing that.

~ Kamile Kulakauskas, Mom & Fitness Instructor

What you can expect from working with me?

Someone who will stretch you outside of your comfort zone and get you results quickly

Someone who will help you overcome limiting beliefs that are keeping you small like fear of judgment, guilt, imposter syndrome, people pleasing and doubt

Someone who has the tools, resources and experience to hold you accountable 

monica burkoth sitting in chair

Someone who will help you feel the inspiration and excitement about what’s to come

Someone who will help you get clear on the exact steps and changes you need to make to live the balanced life you want

A mentor who GETS it and who will love and support you through the process but who will also give it to you straight and point out your blind spots 

Someone who is super Type-A who will help you create a structure and time management system that actually works